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LM3914 circuit_01

Circuit 01: Fixed Input


In this circuit, we will use a fixed voltage input to test the LM3914 and the HDSP-4850 display.

To set the input range of the Signal at SIG between 0 V and 1.25 V:

  • Connect REFADJ to RLO and both to ground.
  • Connect REFOUT to RHI
To generate a voltage between 0 V and 1.25 V, we use a voltage divider with
  • R1=4.7K Ω
  • R2=680 Ω
The resulting voltage at the point between R1 and R2 is
U= R2 /(R1+R2) * 5V = 680/(680+4700) = 0.126 * 5V
U= 0.632 V

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