Steps to add AutoLevel to cncjs
Instructions apply to cncjs version 1.10.3 and development under Ubuntu 22.04
install nvm
cncjs 1.10.3 will only run with node version 14.
nvm allows to choose the node version.
curl -o- | bash
log out and back in so that .bash_rc is run
List available versions:
nvm list-remote
Install node
Install node version 14 by
nvm install 14
To make sure that the correct version of node is used,
we can set the default node version for the system:
nvm alias default 14
You have to logout and back in for it to take effect.
Install yarn
Install yarn:
npm install -g yarn
Retrieve the source code
Clone the original cncjs repository to your local computer
git clone
Initial project install
Initial project build
First change node version to 14
nvm use 14
yarn build
Steps to run cncjs
Testing without Arduino board
Arduino Serial Port Permission
Arduino Mega is connected and port appears as /dev/ttyACM0
However, error message appears as
Error opening serial port
Test current permissons:
ls -l /dev/ttyACM*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 5 apr 23.01 ttyACM0
so root is owner.
Solution: add our user to the group:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout user
To put the change into effect:
logging out and back in should theoretically work,
but in my case, only rebooting worked.
Analyzing Program Structure
The basic structure of cncjs is as follows:
server side
The server is started by opening a terminal in the root directory of cncjs and calling
In bin/cncjs:
In ./dist/cncjs/server-cli.js:
in ./src/server/index.js:
import app from './app';
const createServer = (options, callback) => {
const app = express();
in ./src/server/app.js:
const appMain = () => {
app.get(urljoin(settings.route, '/'), renderPage('index.hbs', (req, res) => {
client side
The build process generates a file named ./dist/cncjs/app/index.hbs.
It is the file that the client browser loads.
In it, various bundled javascript files are loaded.
The components of the html body are in ./src/app/containers
for example,