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cncjs autolevel widget blog August 2023

August 09, 2023

Forking cncjs for integration of autolevel (failed)

Instructions for Contributing to cncjs are described here:

Step 1: Fork

Forked cncjs as https://github.com/atmelino/cncjs
git clone git@github.com:atmelino/cncjs.git
cd cncjs
git remote add upstream git://github.com/cncjs/cncjs.git

Step 2: Branch

Create a feature branch and before starting:
git checkout -b autolevelwidget -t origin/master
Branch 'autolevelwidget' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'autolevelwidget'

Step 3: Install

Make sure to use node version 14
nvm use 14
Run yarn to install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder:

Step 5: Rebase

Use git rebase (not git merge) to sync your work from time to time.
git fetch upstream
This command fails with the message
fatal: unable to connect to github.com:
github.com[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
Did not continue with the following steps:
git rebase upstream/master

Step 6: Build

yarn build
to build the app.

Step 7: Push

git push origin autolevelwidget

Pull Request

When ready to request having your code integrated into cncjs, make a new pull request
Go to https://github.com/atmelino/cncjs
and select your feature branch. Click on the New pull request button and fill out the form.

August 10, 2023

Forking cncjs for integration of autolevel


Step 1: Fork

Go to

Create a new fork

results in new repository

Step 2: Branch

Create a new branch

Step 3: Clone the new Branch

Open a terminal on your local computer.
git clone -b autolevelwidget https://github.com/atmelino/cncjs.git
cd cncjs
Check to make sure we are working on the new branch
git branch
Should result in
* autolevelwidget

Step 4: Install

Make sure to use node version 14
nvm use 14
Run yarn to install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder:

Step 5: Build

yarn build
to build the app.

Step 6: Commit your changes

git commit -m 'Added a new feature that does x because y'
When trying to push new code to github, an error appears.
yarn eslint-debug
displays a number of errors.

Every time I change a jsx file, eslint complains about double quotes.
Adding this to rules in ./.eslintrc.js fixes it:

rules: { "quotes": [1, "double", { "avoidEscape": false, "allowTemplateLiterals": true, }],

Step 7: Push to the branch

git push origin autolevelwidget

Step : Open a Pull Request

When ready to request having your code integrated into cncjs, make a new pull request


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